How to create a set up so that you can ping Google but not able to ping Facebook from the same system..?
Hello everyone….
Let’s begin the steps to create the setup,
1- First check the Google’s IP Address
Command — nslookup
from the above command we can find the IP address of google
Google IP:
2- Now check Facebook’s IP Address
Command — nslookup
from the above command we can find the IP address of google
Facebook’s IP-
3- Then ping Google
4- Then ping Facebook
5- Display Route Table
command — route -n
6- Delete universal Route Rule to allow all IP-addresses of any range
cmd — route del -net
7- Add Route rule in Routing table to allow Google IP Address range
Rule added for google
- Now, if you again check and ping facebook and google then, you will see that it will pinging google now but not facebook because here , we have only allowed google’s ip address range.
So that’s all , this is how you can add limited IPs to work in your system.
Thank you for reading..!!
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