How to get Started with flutter?(Installation Guide for windows x64)

Sanat Dash
5 min readAug 23, 2020


Hello everyone,

What is Flutter?

Flutter is Google’s portable UI toolkit for crafting beautiful, natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. Flutter works with existing code, is used by developers and organizations around the world, and is free and open source.

Flutter runs with Dart language,So what is dart?

Dart is a client-optimized programming language for apps on multiple platforms. It is developed by Google and is used to build mobile, desktop, server, and web applications.

To design your app using Flutter you must install some Software and create a appropriate work environment for this.

Lets begin with the list of Softwares you must have installed in your computer to be a app developer using flutter:-

  1. Flutter SDK. :- This is the main flutter software to be installed in your OS.
  2. Dart SDK.:- This must be installed to compile your dart files.
  3. Android Studio:- This will provide the AVD to run your apps.
  4. Visual Studio.:- This is the IDE we will use to write our code.

Take your mouse cursor on the name of all the softwares listed above and you will find the download links of them.

Installation :

Flutter SDK:

First download the Flutter SDK from the download link ,it will approximately of 600–650mb ,then create an appropriate directory where you want to install the Software. Extract the zip file downloaded into the directory you have created to install the software.

After extracting the zip file a file called flutter_windows_1.17.5 will be there in the director you have selected to extract.

Go inside the folder ,then open the bin folder in it, Copy the path of the bin folder , for ex:- E:\flutter_class\flutter_windows_1.17.5-stable\flutter\bin in this path the name of my directory where i am installing the flutter sdk is flutter_class which is located in my E:/ drive , so the path will vary according to the path of your directory you have created and selected to use. Make sure you must select the path till /bin

Search env in your taskbar.

Click on the First option.It will direct you to a new window.

Now in this window go to the Environment Variables…

In this Window , select the Path column then click on Edit.

Paste the path you have copied of your bin folder , click on new and paste it here ,then click on ok.

Flutter is installed in your system now.

Dart SDK

You will have to install this just exactly the way you have installed Flutter SDK as mentioned above.

First extract your zip file after downloading it to an appropriate directory you wish to , I will recommend you to extract it in the same directory where you have extracted your flutter SDK.

Follow the same steps used to set the path of Flutter SDK to set the path of the bin folder of Dart SDK for example (E:\flutter_class\dart-sdk\bin so the path will vary according to the path of your directory you have created and selected to use. Make sure you must select the path till /bin)in the Environment variables…

Save it here and your dart will be installed in your system.

And finally we are done with the installation of Flutter SDKand Dart SDK…

Android Studio.

Download the software and run the setup file.

Select the AVD if it is not selected and the install the software any where in your computer.

After Installation,

Go to the configure option in the bottom .

Then select the SDK Manager ,

Make sure to download all the selected items in the SDK tools.

To download the tools select the tool in the checkbox you will get a download icon just left to the checkbox.

After completion of all the installation of SDK tools we are done with the installation of android studio.

Visual Studio:

After downloading the software just run the setup file and install the software anywhere in your computer you wish to.

It is not 100% necessary to install Visual Studio to run a flutter app , you can use many other IDE’s , you can also use the Android studio instead of this,but this is helps to be more efficient.

After the installation , run the application.

And You have to install Both this flutter and dart plugins in your IDE.

Open command prompt and run flutter doctor

This is the proof of final installation is done.

You will find only one issue,

If you find some other issues with android toolchain , android licence kind of issue there will be a command given in the cmd to run and fix the issue.

When you are done with all the installations and all issues solved you are done with the setup of the environment to run your flutter programs.

Thank you for reading . I hope I was successful helping you out with the installation of flutter , and i hope you found this blog to be useful.

For any issues ask me in the response section i will try my best to help you out as soon as possible.

Thank you.



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